I So Resolve

How are your New Years resolutions going? Are you finding it hard to keep them up? Have you already given up? Did you not even try to make them because you knew that you would never try to keep them because you always fail?

What do you really want, and are you getting it? How can you get better results? Mentoring provides many of the solutions that you need if you really want to get better results.

For years I was stuck in a treadmill of mediocrity. I had energy levels so low that some days I could barely get out of bed. I wanted more, but I did nothing in particular to change anything. When I finally decided to truly change, it was with the help of a mentor who knew how to raise energy levels and show me how to get to my goals. He taught me not only techniques to improve myself, but he has taught me how to me a mentor.

Is it your time to break out of the treadmill life and move forward again? Are your dreams calling you to action? If so, act!

(Originally posted on “Mentoring with Fincher” February 17, 2016.)