Are You About to Let Your Resolution Slip Away?

hitting the target with resolutions resolution

You’ve been here before. You made a resolution for the new year and now you are ready to give up on it. You aren’t alone. I have been there before. As a matter of fact, I got to the point that I wouldn’t make resolutions because I knew that I wouldn’t do anything with them. I was dead set against goals. I was forced to “set” goals in my job and hated the whole process. “Set a goal. Here it is for you.” I heard the word goal and I ran. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to accomplish things, but I felt that I had no chance to do what I wanted. I felt like I had no control of my life, and setting goals was a process that proved that point.

My how things have changed for me. I set goals each day. I live my life with intention, and I got control back. One of the biggest mistakes that I previously made was that my goals were so big that they seemed completely unattainable. And they were too. I had goals with no plan and no idea of how to get to them. I ran into that wall so many times that I could not see past the pain that I felt.

So how did I change? The pain of not setting a meaningful goal became more than the pain of setting the goal. I still was failing, but I had started moving again. I learned that movement was the key to getting any kind of new, desirable result in life. Without movement, what do you really accomplish? What can you see that you haven’t already seen?

By taking the initiative, I started to see new possibilities and new results started to occur. Were all the results what I had hoped for? No, but they were at least different. One of the biggest wins I had in this process was that I was willing to listen to my wife when she made suggestions. That saved my life because she helped me find the path I am now walking. I had started to see more and I opened to input from others more, and I suddenly found new ideas and resources that led me to what I was wanting. The fact that my wife led me to that change is one I honor her for and will never forget. She led me to a mentor that helped me change my life.

I would invite you to consider introducing a mentor into your life. I love helping individuals move forward and break out of the ruts they are in and cannot quite figure out why. I’d love to talk with you about options. Take that step today and see what changes may happen in your life.

1 thoughts on “Are You About to Let Your Resolution Slip Away?

  1. Matt Whiting says:

    Great insights Mark. The pain of not setting goals became greater than the pain of setting them (and assumidly not acheiving them).
    For me it was also seeing my wife move forward that awakened in me the courage to do so again.

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