Proven Ways to Quickly Gain Clarity – Relationship Retool

Water with Clarity

Quickly gaining clarity may seem a difficult task when it comes to relationships. You may ask yourself how you can get clarity at all. It isn’t as hard as you tell yourself it will be.

I used to think that to get things clear in my mind that I had to study things out until I knew all the answers. Think about it. In a relationship, can you ever know all the answers? If you figure that one out, let me know. I don’t know how to read minds, and I don’t think it would matter. How often do you change your mind? Yeah, that just isn’t going to happen.

Finding Enough for Clarity

What is enough information? When you want to start working on something, it is a good idea to know at least enough to be able to see or describe what you think you want. I am not saying that you have to be able to describe it in detail, yet.

I knew I wanted to be closer to my wife and kids. That meant that we didn’t fight with each other continually and that we liked spending time together. I wanted my wife to like being with me. I wanted my kids to listen to my stories and share their experiences. That wasn’t a lot of detail, but it was enough to help me start to see what it could be like. When I had that much of an idea, I began to see other opportunities that helped me find more information. I also started to act on what I had learned. I didn’t wait until I knew everything.

Creating a Plan

I always thought that a plan was a good thing to have if I wanted to get something accomplished, but that takes work. There was a real problem with that attitude, and I knew it too. When I think about the number of times I made a mess of things only because I failed to make a plan before I started to do something, I recognize that I wasted a lot of time cleaning up the messes. I also spent a lot of energy cleaning up those messes. I wanted to avoid work, but in the end, I spent more effort than having a simple plan required.

Simple planning based on what you know will yield much better results. I learned to use routines to help me with getting things planned. Starting each day with an intention of what I want to accomplish is powerful. I am even accountable for some of those tasks. I tell someone else what I plan on accomplishing. That is just one small technique to getting more done.

Keep the Routine

I found that when I get into a routine, I am more focused on everything I am doing in my life. Since I focus on one aspect of my life, others are easier to focus on as well. Am I perfect at it? Hardly! I do know that when I exercise in the morning, and I work on my person development in my attitude, my vision, and my feelings about others, I have a much better day.

I get ready for bed by concentrating on things that are most important to me. My children, my wife, and my desired outcomes are things that I concentrate on. I also focus on my relationship with God morning and night. I want to be truly focused on what I believe is most important.

Watch – Using Routines

What are you going to focus on? What results are you looking for in life? If you don’t know, that is exactly what you will get. Choose what you want and focus on to get it. Make adjustment as you make progress. Mistakes are also progress. Honor what you learn from them.

I encourage you to give it a try. I’ve found great clarity with this formula. I know you can too.

Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor
Living Tree Connections