It’s All About Money, Wonderful! – Relationship Retool

money box

The wonderful thing about money is that it is that it is impartial. It can work for you, or you can have it work against you, but it works all the time. Really, it is all about relationships. Money just happens to be one of the relationships that you have in your life. You also have a relationship with sleep, food, work, friends, family, and everything else for that matter.


What resources are you struggling with? When you look at what you are lacking, what is it? Too often it is a positive relationship.

We think of relationships as those between people, but when we start thinking of them as a connection between ourselves and everything around us, we begin to see things differently.

What is your relationship with food? Do you use it to numb your feelings of guilt? I would use food to numb my feelings of self doubt and those of fear.

I was unwilling to let money go out of my possession because I feared it would not come back. Responsible use of money is important, but I learned that there are times to freely use what I have for good. That might be to spend some quality time with my wife or my kids. It might be to ensure equipment works well. If I live in fear that I won’t have enough, I won’t have enough. I create that kind of relationship.

Money, Time, and People

I often failed to consider the value of money, time, and people to be relationships I wanted to improve. Once I started thinking differently about them, things started to change. I made more friends who helped me save time and allowed me to find new means of having money flow through my life. It is a strange place to go mentally, but once on that path, it starts to make a lot of sense.

When we consider that all things are relationships in our lives, we begin to treat these things with more respect and consideration. I look at my time much more carefully than I have in the past. I want to spend it wisely so that I get the most value from that time. That doesn’t mean all work. That does not always provide value. My family and friends are valuable, so I choose to spend much of that time with them. I value serving others, so I choose to spend time in service. The choices go on and on.


I want to point out that in order to improve relationships, we need to be able to see the issues we have in those relationships. Once you begin to see more of what you really want, it becomes easier to work on that relationship because we now have knowledge about it. I want you to see more opportunities.

I have created an audio training specifically designed to help you learn to practice seeing better. You may be wondering why I am offering this to you. Is it to make money? Well, that is part of my purpose, but my focus is to help you to open your mind. Helping people improve relationships and the results in their lives is my goal. Knowledge has value, as does service and products.

There is an ulterior motive. I am a mentor. I want to help propel people forward in their lives. Yes, I want you to move forward in your life. That is why I am creating this newsletter. I would love you work with you one on one to help you work on your mindset and start improving your relationships. If you want to move ahead with more clarity, maybe now is the time to consider a mentor. You can contact me and let me know that you are interested. Just tell me you saw this in my newsletter and that you’d like a bonus appointment and we can work out a plan for you with one bonus appointment.

Money is a relationship. I just gave you a practice in dealing with that relationship. How did you do? Are you mad, confused, or thrilled? See what else there is to learn. I love to help people shed the old emotions that are holding back their relationships. Come play.

Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor
Living Tree Connections