How to Make Suffering a Joy, It’s a Choice – Relationship Retool

dragonfly transformation from suffering


What makes suffering worthwhile in life? Many would say that it is not worthwhile.

You might have noticed that I did not post a newsletter last week. I was processing my own emotions after the loss of a friend who left this life that caused many to say it was too soon. After some time, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot be the judge of that matter. I just know that I miss him and so do many others.

Choice of Joy or Suffering

Can we choose to not suffer? I don’t really think so, but we can choose to have a positive attitude about the condition. I watched other friends as they dealt with the  news. Some felt deeply saddened by the events. Others felt sympathetic to others who took it hard. It was interesting to me that a few got angry and stopped talking. All these reactions were not unexpected, but each has a differing result.

I worked hard at fining the lessons for me in the experience. As I did so, I received more and more understanding. I learned a lot about my own reactions and I found new strength. Having sought understanding, I gained it. There is power in choosing to understand and learn. I hope that you take the opportunities as they come to you. When suffering or struggle arise, meet it with an open heart and mind. You may find that it is just what you need at that moment.

The Power of Choice

When I consider what happened to my friend, I ponder on choice. So many people got to make choices based on this event. It was hard on some, bitter-sweet for others, and transformational for many of us. I chose to find meaning and love in the experience. I think that there are some who would condemn me for finding transformation and even joy in the experience, but I know that my friend’s life was not a waste. It was a life that provided good to those he touched.

If you would like to share how this article has helped you, or if you have found some meaning in this, please contact me as I would love to hear your successes.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connectons