How to Come Back to the Simple in Life – Relationship Retool

Simple Green Leaf

Is It That Simple?

How many times have you asked that question in your life? Too often we make up stories about how hard things will be. We fret over what the problems may be and fail to see how simple the outcome may actually be.

Do you find it difficult to explain things to people in simple terms? I know that I have that issue too often. I strive to simplify my descriptions. Friends who have known me for years would think the opposite. I used to pride myself on being able to make things sound complex. Don’t get me wrong, I still believe in having a large and functional vocabulary. I love having access to the right word when I need it. However, it is important to be able to convey an idea in very simple terms.

Build On It

Using words well gives you great power. The ability to explain thoughts and processes is extremely important. But, if you have to use vocabulary that confuses others, you are not getting to the root of the idea. Because I want to move others to action, I must have the ability to explain things simply. Once you can understand the idea I want to get you to implement in your life, I can then build on that idea.

Just as learning simple math helps to comprehend more advanced mathematics such as geometry or calculus, you can build your understanding of your relationships. My marriage has had its ups and downs, but when I started really looking at the simple things I could do to understand my wife, I started to understand some of the complexities that had always puzzled me.

I do simple things with her each day.

  • We pray together because we want to have our spiritual connection with God shared between us.
  • We sway each evening. I will play a romantic song and we just sway from side to side while holding each other. Occasionally, I will sing to her as we sway.
  • I play my personal life story while going to sleep. We usually hold each other while falling asleep listening together.

Some would say that it is corny or silly to do such things each day, but I know the value it has brought to my marriage. I will not give those things up because I know the difference it has made in our relationship and I honor the value it has brought to my life.

<<See Clear Mind and Meaningful Vision Makes a Colorful Life >>
<<See Learning to See >>

I ask in all sincerity, what will you do in your life to add a simple pattern that will enhance your life? If you don’t think that patterns have value, I hope you will reconsider. Pick one simple thing to do each day and test it out for a few weeks. It takes some time to see patterns develop, but anything worth obtaining takes work.

To your best abilities and development,


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections