When Your Mind Leads to a Stressed Life – Relationship Retool

Stressed Woman stress fear hurt

Stressed Out of My Gourd!

You know the feeling. You are stressed out, but you aren’t even sure why. Take a breath and it is a little better, but there is no clarity to help you calm down.

How many times have you been there? Do you go there often? Do you know what the pattern that leads to you such feelings?

When most stressed and I am not sure why I am in that state, it comes down to one thing. Thoughts. If I am not managing my mind, it tends to go where it will, and often it goes to the worst case scenarios, even though I am not purposely looking for those scenarios.

Choose Peace

It takes effort to maintain peace. If you let life take over, you will find stress, anxiety, depression, or anger taking over. I’ve lived with all of them and I see where they originate. I don’t want any of those things in my life. If I will manage them, I will manage my thoughts.

Do you feel that it is impossible to manage your thoughts? I will not say that it is easy. It isn’t, but it is worth the effort. Some days I am much better than others. I have recently been working on some big changes and the thoughts of being less than up to them has been plaguing me. I’m not afraid to admit it. It is true. They are there. I claim that I have them.

Owning my current state is what I need to start the management process. I must know where I am starting. I also must know where I want to go, or I just meander in whatever wells of thought I pass through. Choosing peace and accomplishment are just as easy as choosing fear and failure. The big difference is that I want peace and good results more than I want the familiarity of fear and failure.

How Do I Get There?

  • Choose where you want to go.
  • Set goals to get there.
  • Take steps each day to move toward those goals.
  • Let go of pain, hurt, hate, anger, fear, despair, or whatever is slowing you down.
  • Assess your progress and make adjustments as you progress.
  • Create a daily routine that reminds you of the things you are trying to do to move forward.
  • Show gratitude for the good in your life.
  • Claim all your successes.

You may look at that list and scoff, but I can tell you that it works for me. If you don’t have a plan and are complaining about your situation, give it a sincere try.

Why have I been beat up so much lately. My routine was not as solid as I want it. There were gaps in the execution of my plan. It is as simple as that. Once off track, it became easy to get further off track. I am pulling myself back to the track and moving forward again. There is pain in the process, and I let it go because that emotion is not worth the goals I want. I’ll cover that lesson another time.

If you are wanting a change in your results, please contact me. I know how to help. How much more do you think you can endure before you are willing to make a change, because you don’t have to wait for the results you want.

Make a choice,


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections