How Horse Trading Teaches Important Lessons — Relationship Retool

Edwin Fincher Horse Trading

Horse Trading Is A Good Skill

My great-grandfather, Edwin Luther Fincher, was known was known for his skill in horse trading. He was energetic in his passion for horses. That did not translate into success in life. He struggled to support his family. Times were changing, and demand for horses waned, so he had other opportunities to support his family. He was a grocer much of the time. His business failed several times because he was very caring and often allowed people credit who did not repay.

Was it bad that he failed? Perhaps it was, perhaps not. He cared and shared. He did not have a vision that carried his business to success, but I honor the fact that he cared a lot about people.

What I Have Learned From Edwin

Edwin’s experience has taught me that compassion has its place, as does working to support one’s family. It is easy to work in a job for someone else and wonder why others struggle to support their families. I have been working as an entrepreneur for several years and have learned a lot about compassion and about supporting one’s family. It is not easy to do both when you do not understand correct principles of success.

Entrepreneurship requires smart and determined work. It also requires love for people. I didn’t really have that while working jobs. People saw me as successful, but I really wasn’t. I couldn’t connect well with people, and that prevented me from obtaining real success.

Loving People Brings Success

True success comes when you can connect well with those you meet. Finding a deep understanding of where people are at in their lives helps you to feel a deeper connection with yourself, and I have also found it to help with my connect to God. As we in America approach Thanksgiving, many will have an opportunity to connect with family. Will they connect? Or will they disconnect?

Figure out your intention. I hope it is to connect. I have heard from self proclaimed introverts that they don’t want to be around others, but that leaves them alone and disconnected. Yes, there is a time an place to be alone and ponder on things that matter to you, but there are also times to connect with others. Don’t pass on those opportunities. I know that I did that too often, and I missed out. That is a great lesson for me to reflect on as I see those opportunities come in the future. I don’t regret those past errors. I honor what they have taught me.

Will You Be Horse Trading?

When opportunities come, will you grasp them, or will you be a horse trader of days gone by? Look at yourself and determine your path. It is OK to make adjustments in life. I have, and I love the change of direction. My family and I are better for it, despite the discomfort that it has brought. I know that on the other side of that change is happiness that comes from loving others more.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections