Choose The Hero – Win Big In Life With Confidence Gained – Connection Creator

man becoming hero

Hero Power Is Real

I needed a hero. I was depressed and unsure of myself. Having been there before, I was not too happy about being back there. The difference was that I knew what was going on and I had tools to put into use.

In the past, I fled to depression and hiding when life got tough. There was no one to connect with and that led to poor choices. Now, I know where to turn when life seems too hard. It really isn’t, but it seems that way. Why? Because there is no clarity. The path seems clouded, choked off. That is where my heroes come into play. I look at my list and find the one that I connect with best in the situation.

A couple of weeks ago, I was so down on myself as I looked at some problems I was up against. I felt like I was under attack. Everything seemed to yell at me that I was a failure. Nothing seemed to be going right. In fact, I was helping things to go wrong.

I then started looking for my hero. I actually found a couple of them in the circumstances I was feeling. My grandfather Fred and Francis Fincher came to mind. They suffered and endured a lot, but they came out of life with great results. They had freedom. There was pain and honest tragedy, but they persevered. I knew that I can too.

Respect and Honor

My grandfather lost everything in World War II. He lost his estate, his family, and he lost his identity. Tappa found his family, but almost all of his possessions were gone. He persevered and he never gave up. I love my grandfather. I miss him a lot.

Francis was a Quaker, which in England in the mid 17th century was not an accepted choice. He suffered in prison a couple of times because he didn’t believe the same as others. He took his family to the Americas in hope of freedom to live as he believed.

It is easy to find fault with others when we only find our own faults. Think of how your ancestors love it when you believe in yourself. They suffered and struggled so you and others of their family can live lives of creation and success. Getting down on yourself actually is a discredit to their efforts. Give them honor by honoring yourself.

Letting Go of Defeat Audio Training
Letting Go of Defeat Audio Training

You can be strong and able to get what you want in life. I know you can. You are powerful. Find your heroes and look to their examples.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections