What Joyous Life Experience Have You Shared Recently – Connection Creator

Campfire Conversation Shared Exerience

Experiences Shared Help You

Have you ever noticed that good experiences you shared helped you? That may sound a bit odd to you, but it is true. Sharing your experience helps you to see those experiences in a way that helps you clarify your feelings about them.

Consider the good, joyful experiences you have had. Do you like to remember them? Are they experiences that raised your self worth? Did a connection strengthen? While considering those feelings, do other people come to mind? More than likely others do come to mind.

Finding Joy In Others’ Experiences

Surely other people have joyous experiences. Do you find joy in them too? If not, do you know why you don’t? I have found some of my most important breakthroughs when I considered moments when I didn’t feel joy in other peoples’ successes. This was uncomfortable because I often felt guilty about not feeling joy for them.

I have discovered that I sometimes need practice in working through my emotions regarding other people having good experiences. Think about it. Don’t you have times when you feel jealous or frustrated with someone who is excited about their good fortune? I would guess that you do as you are human, just like me.

Practice With Your Ancestors

One of the best ways I have found to practice finding joy in the experiences of people is to look at my own ancestors. They are gone, so I needn’t worry about them bettering me or looking down on me. (OK, I choose to believe that they only see good in me and don’t condemn me.) Their success adds to mine.

My mom’s parents immigrated to the United States in 1953. They had gone through extreme hardship along with their kids and extended family. Leaving Germany and starting a new life in America was a fantastic opportunity. When they came, they had been living for years on a poor diet. It had taken them a long time to get into their own lodgings in Germany after the war. Coming to America meant starting over again, but with the hope of getting further than staying in Germany offered. I am grateful they took the chance. It has taught me some great lessons in faith, compassion, and perseverance. My mom also would never have met my dad.

If you struggle with thoughts and emotions that disconnect you from people when they share successes, try this simple exercise. I believe it will help you see things differently. It will help you become more comfortable in hearing others talk about their successes, and you will find some of the triggers that are causing you to react in ways that you don’t want to act.

What Do You Want To Share?

Do you have an experience you want to share? I’m willing to hear about your experiences that have lifted you. You can reach me on Facebook, LinkedIn, or on my Contact Page.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections