What Amazing Thing Has Family Done For You Recently? – Connection Creator

Amazing Waterfall and Mill

You Must Seek Amazing Things

It may seem selfish to want amazing things to happen in your life, but it is not. Just because you want something amazing to happen to you, does not mean that you don’t want the same for others. As a matter of fact, when you start rejecting the idea that you should have those things, you not only make your life worse, you start making other peoples’ lives worse.

There is plenty in life to provide abundantly for you and every other person who wants to earn what they want. I found that I had a couple of hang ups that prevented a lot of this abundance in my life. Consistently, I set limitations on my allowances in life. I thought that if I got something, someone else could not have it. This is scarcity thinking. We all have some in at least one aspect of our lives. Companies teach this concept all the time. Advertisements teach us that we will miss out if we don’t get something. Limited amounts of things exist, etc.

How Can Family Help?

It may seem a little strange, but I look to my ancestors a lot to help me see the great things that I want to have in my life. As I look for inspiration, my ancestors teach me that seeking for more is good. You may be wondering how that is possible, but it is quite easy once you learn how.

As I look at my grandfather’s experience running his family’s estate, he didn’t want to be a farmer. He didn’t care for farming. What he wanted was to raise horses. It was common in his day to raise horses, and they were good horses too. He shifted the estate from solely farming to raising horses while providing for not only his family, but also the families of the workers. He met his goal.

In the past, I focused on what he lost in World War II, but today, I celebrate his success. He repeatedly restarted his life and made good on his goals. Did he reach all his dreams? No. Did he reach many of his dreams? Yes.

I also had family who kept moving across the southern United States in search of a better life and place to live. Most never struck it rich, but they did create a lot of good and opened a new territory and helped create an environment of success.

Go For It

As you seek to have amazing things in your life, don’t hold back because of what someone may think of you. Set your intentions and go for it. Know that as you get what you want in life, others will see your good example and how you share with others. You will help them to understand the process. As you give back because of your abundance, many more will be lifted because you tried and succeeded. That is worth the effort. Those who will mock or criticize do not understand this concept. Don’t allow them to dictate your success in life.

If you want to learn more about finding encouragement and connection with your ancestors, you can join me for free in my next Facebook based training. You can register at Ancestral Connection with Mark Fincher 2018. Class will start June 20th at 7:00 pm MDT. I would love to help you get better connected with family and friends. Life is awesome. Learn to thrill in your experience.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections