That One Moment Of Pain, An Experience To Bless – Connection Creator

A Slap To Bless

Does Your Perspective Bless Others?

How well do you see the perspective of your perspective? It may be a strange question when you first look at it, but it is an important one if you want to own your life. It will help bless your life and the lives of the people you influence.

I was a teenager when it happened. I was in the kitchen with my mom. We were discussing something and I got upset and said something to her that was mean and intended to hurt. Then it happened. Whap! Her hand had suddenly flown at my face and she had slapped me.

One thing I knew in that moment was that I had done something horribly wrong. I never recalled a time when my mother had done anything like that to me or my brother. She was always in control physically. She slapped me, and that was so foreign to me that in the instant it happened my mind immediately said, “Look at her!” I looked into her eyes, and one of the most seminal moments of my life occurred.

I saw the hurt and disbelief in her eyes. Disbelief that I could say such a thing, and that she would do such a thing. I suddenly realized the love my mom had for me. I don’t believe that she was disappointed as much as she was confused. She did not hold me in a place where I would say such a thing. I saw how she saw me.

Time To Process

I cannot say that I understood everything in that moment, but so much of the emotions and feelings of that moment stuck with me that I can still see her face, her eyes.

I learned and am still learning from that experience. It brings me to tears thinking about it now.

I called my mom before I started to write this story to get her permission to share it. She willingly agreed, but was unsure why it was so important and experience. As I explained that it was a turning point of my life, I think she was a bit taken aback that one moment was so important to me.

I do not condone violence, but for me, this was an important moment that has blessed my life. My mom had a moment of weakness that changed my life for the better. I love her more because of it, and I quickly forgave her, which was not in my nature at the time.

We each have moments like that in our lives. They are tied to extreme amounts of feeling in the instant that it happens. Perhaps it is a moment of pain that you cannot let go of and it is holding you back. I encourage you to start looking for the lesson in the experience. Maybe the eye contact you had with someone was full of hate or greed. I will not try to explain your experience, but I know one thing. Each experience you have in life has a lesson for you to learn from that will help you be better and lift your perspective to a higher level if you will look for it.

Take time to figure out the lessons.

Winners Find Success In Mistakes

I used to look for the problems and dwell in them. I was the Negative Nelly in my family and workplace. Nothing was ever good enough, especially me. Once I really took to heart the counsel to look for the lessons, my life changed. I still have problems, but I look at them joyfully. I know that my problems are my opportunities to find success. Without them, I am left to my same old patterns. With them, I have the opportunity to make changes to overcome the problem, and to improve myself.

It all comes down to how I choose to see the problem. I’m not perfect in how I view problems, but I am seeking them more today than ever before. That is one of the reasons I love family history research. I get to look at my ancestors’ experiences and problems and learn from a family experience. Connecting to the experience is wonderful, and it may be there as much for me as it was for them.

I will be starting my next Ancestral Connection class next week via Facebook. I encourage you to take a step into the realm of changing your perspective of your perspective. You can join by answering a few questions on the page for the group. I want to help you to start the awesome journey of learning lessons from your ancestors. Come join me!

Ancestral Connection June 2018

I look forward to seeing your success in improving your life as you learn to connect better with others.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections