The Song In Your Heart, Good Or Destructive? – Connection Creator

Piano Music, Song

What Song Is In Your Heart?

I have always loved listening to music and carrying a song on my lips. I liked some more than others, but music has been a part of my life. Having never learned to read music, I limited my ability to enjoy it more. Regardless, I love to sing. I find ways to improve on that, as I was once asked to not sing in church by someone who lacked a of vision as to why we sing hymns. Now, others pester me to join the choir, but I currently refrain because I choose to work on changing my voice. I’ll get to that more in a bit.

As I ponder on the songs I have sung, I think that I didn’t always do myself a service in singing some of them. Some people mock me for saying that it matters. I came to understand that they are wrong. Music instills its messages into our minds without barriers. It takes a message on a tune and the mind says, “Yep, I can do that!” The mind then works at making that idea a reality.

So, what is the message that you most often instill in your mind?

Choosing Better

I liked listening to sad, breakup kinds of songs. My relationships didn’t stick too well. I listened to military tunes. There only seemed to be conflict in the world.

What we focus on becomes our reality. The songs I listen to now are upbeat or inspiring. I still listen to some things that cause me to stop and pause. I constantly prune my playlists. Those old tunes have an inviting nostalgia, but they come with a cost. When I get into a long list of the old songs I used to regularly listen to, I find my thoughts turn just a bit darker, and my life gets harder.

The song I have in my heart at any given time will often predict my mood in the next few minutes. It really does matter.

Why Do I Care?

You may ask why I care, and it is simple. I don’t want people to get down on themselves or others like I have done. It leads to a life that is cold, lonely, and downright hard.

I want songs that help me connect with others in a positive way. Bringing light and happiness to my life is awesome. I want you you feel the same joy.

I often wonder what my ancestors liked to sing. You might wonder why that is so important to me. I have really come to realize how important my ancestors are to me. Whether they were good or bad people, I came from them. I wouldn’t be here without them. I owe them so much, and I believe I have a responsibility to remember them.

In my pondering, I also have come to believe very deeply that they are interested in me and my success. Their lives are a pattern for me to learn from. I can learn both good and bad patterns. The greatest gifts they gave me were their lives. Their triumphs and trials are building blocks for me.

So why do I care whether you understand this? Honestly, I see you as my cousin. We are tied together, and I want you to succeed too. So, today, take a moment and consider what songs you are listening to and how it is framing your thoughts and actions. Perhaps it is a time for an upgrade.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections