Simplicity Can Be Hard, Power Up Your Answers – Connection Creator

formulas create simplicity

Do You Teach Simplicity?

Many people look down on simplicity. “It is too easy.” “There is no value there.” “It’s meaningless if it isn’t complex.” I have heard them all, and I have said most of them.

In our attempts to look important, we often dismiss those things that simplify what we are trying to convey to others. Somewhere along the way, we got it into our heads that if it is easy to read or say, it doesn’t carry as much value as things that are complex.

That was a bad lesson to learn. I think that much of it comes from teachers who want students to expand their minds, but fail to see the beauty of simplicity themselves.

Albert Einstein is credited with the statement, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” I have mentors who really put this into practice. And, I have seen the positive results of their efforts to simplify.

The Beauty Of Complexity

I found complexity beautiful, but as I evaluate why that was the case, I found it a ruse. I hid behind the complexity. Complexity is used to put myself above those to whom I am explaining something. “Look, I’m better than you because I understand this, and you don’t.” Not a pretty picture, however, a simple equation. If you want to feel better than someone else, confuse them.

The problem is that you will not connect through confusion. Yet, we often utilize this tactic. Distilling our thoughts and ideas to the simple will help us understand others. Then we will have greater compassion, insight, and connection.

Discover The Equations Of Simplicity

There are simple equations in life that we all see. When I am hungry, if I eat, I won’t be hungry. There are others that are not quite so easy to see, but can still be simple. If I am consistently kind to other people, people will be kind to me. It takes an effort to recognize and put the equation to the test.

One that I have been working on testing lately is that when I am grateful for the problems I have in my life and am willing to quickly forgive others, my life will be more enjoyable and I will learn much faster how to improve my life. I am seeing the results, though I am still working on solidifying the mindset. Even when you may not have fully proven the equation, it still can work for you.

You can, and will be able, to see the simplicity of life as you focus on finding simple equations. Don’t despair because it seems too hard today. As you practice, you will begin to master how you see life, and life will stop happening to you. You will begin to make your life happen.

What’s Next?

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Consider the lessons your ancestors taught you, then you might find even more equations to practice.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections