What Do You Do When You Don’t Make It? – Connection Creator

Climb the mountain and make it

If You Don’t Make It

I have too many stories of when I did not make it. I didn’t make the high school basketball team. Didn’t make it as an IT Director. I even failed to be a good husband and father. For that matter, I was a lousy son.

Success is fickle. To many people, that word seems fecal. They want nothing to do with it. It stinks and so does their thinking. How am I so confident about that? I’ve been there.

My oldest son recently told me on a day I felt really down, “Dad, consider how your worst day now was your best day five years ago.” I had to admit he was right. There have been times that I have felt completely beaten down. I think someone doesn’t want me to succeed and help people. It is easy to give in to that feeling. But, I have made a lot of progress.

Find Strength In Yourself

One thing that I learned the hard way was that I have more strength than I give myself credit for when it is time to stand up and fight. Don’t get me wrong. I believe that God is my source of strength. I also believe that He has given me all the strength I need for this life. But, do I have the faith to believe it? Do I really intend to put God to the test by doing what I believe He inspires me to do.

I started on this journey to share my thoughts with you with the conviction that I had something to share of value. Two years in, I have now written straight through, each week. I didn’t believe I could do that when I started. I’d never done anything like it before. My senior English teacher disliked my writing and laughed when I told her my plan to to major in Korean and teach languages. I didn’t realize that she wasn’t laughing at me. She knew I had a journey to take. I think she was really delighted.

Don’t Be A Downer

I learned over the past lifetime, or the last three short years, that being a downer leads to being down. Choosing to be positive, even when you don’t want to be is critical. It is hard work, and there are times you will have to forgive yourself for not succeeding. Regardless, your success will show up when you least expect it. Those times when your kids sincerely thank you for something. When you get a nice note from someone who liked your work.

I was so impressed yesterday with the service I got while getting my emissions checked so I could register my cars. I sincerely thanked Eric who had helped me. It caused him to back up from the counter. He didn’t expect real sincerity from customers. He felt it. I felt it too. I’ve come a long way. You can too.

Whatever you are seeking to improve, know you have the strength to do it.

Make It Because You Are Needed

I know you have the strength to accomplish what you want to do. Sure, it may be really hard. Do you think that your ancestors didn’t know hard? Did the men who fought wars to ensure you had a chance in life think it was easy? I’ve lost family to war. Illness has taken some. Fear has overcome others. Too many of my friends thought that not making it a couple of times meant they failed. I miss them. It wasn’t true.

You are needed, just as your parents and grandparents were needed for you. Someone has made a difference in your life. Make a difference in someone else’s. I will continue to help you to see that possibility. Share what you find useful. Tag me when you share on social media. I would love to be part of the conversation.

Then ask an important question. WHY ME? Ask it in sincerity. You may be surprised by the answers that come to you.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections