Fill Your Well Each Day, Face Crisis Full – Connection Creator

Fill Your Well

Do You Fill Your Well?

Have you ever thought about how you fill your well of emotional reserves? What is your plan? If you don’t have one, maybe it is time to consider one.

This week I am dealing with a crisis, and I am doing really well. Please understand, I am not bragging or stuffing the emotions that are coming up. My intent is to share with you some ideas that I hope will help you like they have helped me.

I know that you have had your own crises. Everyone does. I have had plenty in my life, and as I look back on them, I see patterns that have either helped or hindered me in the time of crisis.

When you start to see patterns, you can find solutions to the problems that arise in your life.

Consistency Is Your Friend

As I work to fill my well of positive emotional reserves, I recognize that I must be consistent. Think of your lawn, dishes, or your laundry. If you are not consistent in caring for and managing them, they can become a real drain on your energy. The thought of them weighs on you. You see them and feel down. You start avoiding the tasks to care for them.

However, when you consistently put effort into caring for them, the work, yes it is work, is light and the feeling around it is one of accomplishment, not drudgery. your well is actually added to as you complete the tasks.

What Can You Do To Prepare For Crises?

Find the good in your life and acknowledge it. Accept it as yours. Because I do this, I have learned to see much more that is good in my life. Receiving it and being grateful for it have firmed up the walls of my well.

Now, you may not be prepared for every crisis, but if you let go of negative emotions, you need not worry about them overwhelming you when crisis does arise. Emptying your emotional well is as important as filling it. Work on both sides of that equation to be filled with what you want in reserve. Anger, worry, disappointment, sadness, and fear will not serve you, but love, patience, joy, and playfulness will.

What Do I Suggest?

You may be wondering what I recommend. I am in the middle of a crisis and do not have the time, or the full energy to answer that fully, but I will say this. Let go of your negative thoughts and feelings in a safe way. I have lots of options for that. Find a way to express the good in your life. Show gratitude. Again, I have a lot to share on that topic.

The most important thing that I have found in helping others in the crises of life are stories of others who have faced similar obstacles. I love learning about my family because their stories have been invaluable examples to me and those I share them with to help bring perspective and solace.

I would love to help you find your spring to fill your well. Please comment or send me a message letting me know how I can help.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections