Look Deep, Inspiration To Empower Your Family – Connection Creator

Child Look Binoculars

Look And Keep Looking

Have you ever looked for something and found more of what you wanted than you expected? Have you looked and then forgotten what you found? What is it to look?

It is easy in life to look, but what you do as you seek and how you use what you then find are crucial to building the life you want and the relationships that matter most.

Are you a once and done person, or do you yearn to find more?

I Did My Math

Think back to when you were in school. Yes, it might have been a long time ago, but remember back. How often did you say, “I did my math.”? Probably more than a few times. It was something to be done, but your attitude toward it, and your diligence in doing it had a great impact on how well you retained it. I think most people recognize that their understanding and retention had a lot to do with how often you did it.

A little bit here and a little there work in some areas of your life, but not in mastering something. If you didn’t like the sciences, was it due to a lack of math skills? Were you unable to build on your math skills to learn something new, or not?

I’m not here to castigate you if you didn’t like math. It is just an example. Maybe music or welding was your forté. Whatever it was that you excelled at, how much did you pay attention to it?

What Was That Again?

Looking back at what you have discovered is crucial to prolonged personal growth. Review notes you have taken in trainings or meetings. Refresh your heart and mind with the inspiration you received before.

My oldest daughter is a great example to me of revisiting things she has learned. She is an avid journal writer. She notes inspiration she has received, and she also goes back and rereads those entries to refresh and remind herself.

When we seek what we consider important, we will find more of what we are looking for.

I am constantly reminded by situations in my life of the lives of my ancestors. They lived full lives and dealt with sorrow and triumph, just as I do. There are so many lessons I can learn from them, but it is my responsibility to find the lessons.

I often discover those lessons in stories I heard years ago in the moment that I need them. How many have I not had access to because I didn’t learn the stories? How many were lost because someone else saw no value in passing those stories on?

I’m grateful to my brother who recorded my grandparents telling stories from their lives. Those stories have enriched my life. They remind me to record my own and to take time to record my own parents’ stories. Don’t lose them. They have value.

Remember To Follow Up And Look For Opportunities

Ask questions when you share or receive. Follow up to get or give clarification.

Last week I wrote about masterminds. I made sure that my family experienced it this last weekend. It was a great learning moment for me. My family also enjoyed the time together sharing. As we looked for greater understanding about life principles, we came to understand one another more. There was more tolerance and forgiveness.

Look for your opportunities to empower your family, even if it is just one word at a time. Your love and constant care will make a difference.

If you are ready to learn more about how to find those stories or apply them better in your life, contact me.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections