Consider Who You Know Shaping Your Legacy – Connection Creator

Consider Friends

Who Do You Consider Is Shaping You?

This morning I read an article discussing the visit of President Trump to the Demilitarized Zone and stepping into North Korea (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea). I had a lot to consider in this article.

First of all, it is a topic that interests me because of my college major. Second, it is about a major world event, regardless of its long-term outcome. Third, the article is based on an interview with a professor who is a friend.

I noticed that the writer chose particular parts of the conversation to make the focus of the article. I also noticed that many people posted comments that were not very nice. Some directed them at my friend, others at President Trump.

As I assessed the comments, it caused me to ponder on who I have in my life that shapes who I am and will be.

How Do I Know My Friend?

I first met this good man while learning to be an effective teacher. We both served for two years in the same area, sometimes in the same city, teaching others.

I then got to know him better while I worked on my bachelors degree. We had many good times and conversations together. We both caused each other to think.

Though I do not agree with everything he has to say, I do think about what he says. He does not come to conclusions without much consideration. I am better for knowing him.

Who Do I Surround Myself With?

Some of you may have noticed that I did not write an article last week. I could have prepared a post, but I chose not to. I was in a mastermind with some very good friends.

These are leaders in music, corporations, art, business incubation and funding, real estate, national organizations, training, government, and much more.

I constantly had to check in with myself and make sure that I was not feeling small. Being part of this group is not a mistake as I was invited to be in this group. I belong.

You Belong

How often do you assess yourself and determine that you come up short? Sure, there are times that you do. We all do. But, I think that you discredit yourself far too much.

Are you thinking that you have nothing to offer? Wrong!

Just last night, one of my mentors gave a training in which he pointed out that all the problems we go through are not a discredit to us, but are in fact our credentials in life.

How do you think people come up with solutions? They are in a problem. Just because you have issues in your life doesn’t exclude you from helping others, it makes you capable of helping.

What Do Think You Do Now?

Consider this. If you are qualified because you go through problems, what is the impact you can have on others?

First, find the solutions that have worked for you. Also find the ones that didn’t. Those have lots of value too. Don’t do them!

Sharing takes many forms. I’ve been pondering on what I want to do next to share with others. Part of that is to allow people to buy my creations. I have recently completed several buckets and they are now available to purchase.

I would not have learned how to make these pieces without a great mentor. He is someone who cares about me and my success. You can come meet him, and me this week at the Colonial Heritage Festival in Orem, Utah.

No matter who you associate with, make sure they are helping to you to become the best you can be. Consider who you can help today. Choose into better each day. Love those around you more. Find joy in your journey.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections