Steady Or Fierce Conviction? Ability To See – Connection Creator

Steady or Fierce Convictions

Steady Provides Peace And Vision

When it comes to convictions, being fierce in them can blind you to what is truly going on around you. Steady convictions help you with balance and vision.

I have found that being so sure that I am right has often caused pain for myself and others. I was not willing to listen to others’ perspectives because I was so sure I was right.

This topic brings to mind an annoying habit of my grandfather. He was very argumentative. He had to be right and would warp arguments in such a way that in the end, he was arguing your point and saying, “See, I told you so.” It drove my grandmother crazy when he would start into it, and she would leave. It was her way of coping as she did not feel safe.

I have learned to be open. I’m not perfect in this by any stretch of the imagination, but I am better than I used to be, and I celebrate that change. I have much more peace because of it.

Listen To Understand

One of the key things that I have learned is that listening is crucial to understanding how to share your convictions. You can still be firm in how you present them, but when you understand where someone else is coming from, it is possible to see how their perspective can add to your understanding of your own perspective.

People appreciate someone who is steady. They will respond well to you when you behave that way. As you show a level way of thinking, you help people gain confidence in you. Even those who are fierce in their convictions. They may fight and act inconsistently, but that is a product of cognitive dissonance that is upsetting them as they find their position challenged by calm reason and love.

Love Is Unifying

As you share your conviction, being sure of the good it can bring to you and others, doing so with love will help others to feel included and appreciated. The change of mind they may need to make finds support as you pour out love.

By the steady, loving way you share your heart, you open yourself to caring and understanding. Your convictions will be enhanced, even if in the end, you may find a change necessary on your part.

Do you want more firm conviction without antagonism? If you would like to learn more about the love that creates relationships, contact me. I love helping people gain greater insight and move confidence in their convictions.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections