How To Fit It All In Life When The Wheels Are Falling Off – Connection Creator

Falling in Life

When Life Is Too Much

I want to take a little different approach to relationships today. It is easy to talk about being connected and connecting with others, but how do you feel that way when life is seemingly trying to tear you apart? When you look at your life, does it seem out of control?

I’m no different than anyone else. I get down as I try to manage everything life is demanding. How do I do it? Imperfectly, of course.

I have watched very successful people and how they deal with the day to day problems and opportunities in their lives. They are not perfect either. Hear me right now. You cannot be perfect in everything, today. It just won’t happen. I’m not saying you should give up because you can’t be perfect today. What I am saying is that you should desire to forgive yourself and learn how to take each day at a time.

You Can Do More In A Day

Have you ever heard someone say that there just isn’t enough day to get everything done? I hear it all the time. I used to say it too. That is not a phrase I use any more.

In order to fit more into my day, I must learn to focus on what I am fitting in to the day. Too often, you may find yourself bemoaning how little you got done today, yesterday, last week, or last month. I have to ask you, what did you get done?

You may choose to answer that by saying, “Nothing,” or “Not enough.” Look at the tone of those words. They are probably ringing in your head like a pejorative. Those are not nice words when pointed at someone. Do you often point them at yourself?

I know that you get a lot done each day, but you also don’t give yourself credit for what you did. You may not even be able to see it yourself. I bet others see it. Perhaps it is who you let yourself listen to that is making a difference.

I learned to limit the influence of people around me when what they say is not helpful to my mindset. I cannot necessarily physically remove someone who is tearing me down from my life, but I can choose to limit his influence. When you start choosing to do that, you may need to tame your inner critic as well. As you do so, you will find that you are more successful in your daily goals.

Take One Simple Step

I love family history, but I found that one of my current goals was lagging behind where I wanted it. I evaluated what was going on and I found a couple of things I was doing.

First, I focused so much on another goal that I let it consume my life. Though I want that goal, it cannot be the one and only thing in my life.

Second, as I focused on that goal, I didn’t accomplish a lot of the other things I wanted. I then blamed myself for my lack of accomplishment each day.

Though that was not fun, it was educational. I learned that I had a lack of clarity over my accomplishments. I was getting a lot done, just not what I really wanted done. The action I took to get past this was simple. I looked at my daily accomplishments and congratulated myself for getting them done. There was no big or small accomplishment. They all were accomplishments. They all had value. I have value.

Boom! Suddenly I felt accomplished, and I had more energy to devote to what I wanted. I started focusing better because I felt better. You can do the same. Write down some accomplishments at the end of the day. Record at least three. You may have to rack your brain a bit, but you can find them. (I sometimes record that I took a nap. There are times I need one.) Don’t give up on yourself. I won’t give up on you either.

Next Step in Life

If you are looking for a next step to greater accomplishment in getting connected, I can help you see your potential. I love helping people feel more connected with self, others, and ancestors. Take a look at my offers.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections