Charity And How Heart Moves Mountains – Connection Creator

Hugging Friends with Heart

Have A Heart

You’ve heard the phrase before. “Have a heart.” It means to feel and give more of yourself for someone else in need. There is so much more to it as well. It encompasses the human condition.

When I was a young man, I seldom had much heart. I was icy toward other people because I was cold to myself. I’ve seen the other side as well. I’ve seen those who do nothing but give and will never receive. They are icy too. It’s just the opposite side of the same coin.

Think of it this way. Those who will not receive, whether it is a compliment or a gift of some nature, are shutting off those who want to give.

Consider how many times you tried to compliment someone and she pushed it away. I’ve done it. I have friends who tried to tell me how well I did something and I rejected the compliments with self-deprecating comments. “I didn’t do it that well.” “It was no big deal.” “You could have done better.”

Let The Truth Be Told

Whether or not your statement is true or not, is up to you. If you persist in thinking that what you do does not measure up to others, or to yourself, you will get just what you are selling. Something less that acceptable.

If on the other hand, you accept the compliment, is any harm done? Is it bad to acknowledge that you did something well, even if not perfectly? What does it do for the giver of the compliment? To see someone sincerely accept a compliment is encouraging, enlightening, and downright joyful. Why? Because so few people will accept them. It is kind of like handing our quarters to people. Few would see the value, but many would find you annoying. Others will call you strange. I’m beginning to really enjoy living in strange. It is a lot of fun here!

Speaking harshly to someone can do a lot of harm. Pushing people away does too. Tell the truth. You do a good job. You are nice to be around. Good people are helping you get some great goals. You have a nice smile.

Even if you can’t feel it today, by acknowledging that you are that kind of person, you become it. If you start to see your possibilities that others are already seeing in you, you will be amazed at how accurate they are. Receive, and give too. Rather than sharing criticism, share what you can see others becoming. If you can’t see it, go back to step one and start seeing it in yourself. It’ll come.

Charity Is Divine

One thing that I have certainly learned is that charity is something that takes time to develop. It is a mindset that probes deep for who we are in this world. We are not alone. We are together for a reason, and that reason is more often than not to support one another.

I could never understand “huggy” people. It seemed so insincere to me. I didn’t want them to hug me. Why should they hug others? Whey you begin to see the great potential that others have, you really do want to give them a big hug. Seeing that has changed my life. Thinking about it brings me to tears as I contemplate how wonderful people really are.

Not all of my ancestors got that. Some really didn’t get it. Nevertheless, I want to give them a big hug when I meet them some day. I know how much potential they have, and I know that they helped to shape who I have become. That’s worth a big hug.

If you are wondering about how you can learn to be more willing to give or receive, let me know. I would love to work with you to help you find your potential. I can see it in you. Can you?

Mentoring Options

Go out there today and receive a compliment. Give one too. Stretch yourself a bit. Have some heart.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections