Awareness Has Power
I’ve been working on being more aware, and the awareness of my actions and words brings a lot of power into my life. That said, what power am I bringing into my life?
I found that I often bring in thoughts and feelings that are just crushing. When I let myself run with feelings that tear down, I am not conscious of what I am doing. This is an interesting dichotomy.
I recognize something I am doing, and then as I think about it, I let feelings or thoughts take me down a path of destructive criticism or action. Yet, I didn’t remain conscious of this path of thought.
Practice Conscious Thought
If I want consciousness, I must practice it at almost all times. This really is a form self mastery that requires time and effort. So often we want to be perfect, NOW!
Mastery requires learning over time and practice. Even those who seem to master things immediately have had some sort of discipline that allows that kind of quick learning. Though they may have never done the specific thing that they seem to have mastered, they have done something in their life that prepared them to show that level of mastery.
I’m not necessarily implying that they physically did something like it, but they have either mentally prepared themselves, or done an action that trained their minds to perform at a level of mastery. Thus, it is a form of awareness.
Even at that, those seeming naturals are probably capable of taking that task to a level of perfection that you and I may not be able to comprehend. Don’t despair. You can prepare yourself too.
Why Not All The Time?
There are times when you will want to not be consciously driving your thoughts and feelings. If you want inspiration, you will want to stay in your conscious mind, yet not allow your consciousness to drive those thoughts.
One story says that Einstein practiced this by sleeping in a chair while holding something in his hand. Then, it would fall out as he fell asleep. Whether he did or not, it is now shown scientifically that this allows you to capture the thoughts you experience at the edge of consciousness.
Meditation will do this as well. I experience this often as I let my conscious mind relinquish control yet I stay aware.
Experience Drives Experience
I once experienced a feeling of oneness with the universe as a youth. I sat in my living room as dusk settle in for the evening. None of the lights were on and the house was quiet.
I pondered on the components of the universe as the light lowered. At the time, I felt at peace and drifted in my thoughts until I no longer felt connected to my body. I understood all the material of the universe.
I look fondly on this experience. It holds a special place in my life and helped give me insight and purpose in a difficult time of life.
However, as I pondered on that experience today as I thought on how to put this article together, a new thought came to me.
I felt as though I understood the physical components of the universe, yet I had no comprehension of the thoughts and feelings of all life in the universe. Thus, a new thought and feeling to pursue.
Practice And Improve
Recognize that you may need some extended practice to be aware of how you think of you of your awareness. be forgiving as you develop yourself. My grandfather took years to become a good woodworker. I learned more quickly, and my brother was one of those naturals.
As you find success, celebrate them. Don’t quash them by focusing on what you have not yet attained. You have moved forward.
I find great pleasure in helping others understand this process. If you want to learn more, contact me so we can set up a time to discuss your path. Set aside time for yourself to improve. It will help you get to where you want to be faster than just pounding away without getting yourself in order.
Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections