Touched—What Does It Mean To You? – Connection Creator

Touched By Woodworking

When I say that I have been touched, that may bring up many thoughts and emotions. What does it mean to you, and why?

I have to admit that I often envision someone who is not all quite there when I hear the phrase, and sometimes people might think that of me. I’m not concerned what others are thinking of me at this point. I don’t have time for that.

What I do have time for is feeling what is important to those I want to connect with on a daily basis.

I often get emotional as I get to know people. Recently, I even cried at the end of End Game. I have come to appreciate my emotions. I often feel touched by others.

What Are You Willing To Feel?

I got to the point where I did just about anything to avoid feeling. Most days, I used a great plan as I came home from work. I came through the door and ask what was for dinner, knowing that most of the time it wasn’t started. Then I disappeared to watch TV.

By triggering my wife who was working so hard to teach our kids and keep the household running, I could push her away. My kids thought I was mean, so they seldom bothered me. I just vegged in front of my drug of choice.

There was nothing meaningful in my life. I was disconnected and unwilling to change, though deep down I desperately wanted change.

Sometimes Touching Is Painful

I know that this term is indeed painful to some who have experienced abuse. I sincerely acknowledge the dislike you have for that. Feeling in that case can seem too much to bear.

I think most of us have known some type of abuse in our lives. Those who have borne physical abuse certainly know the pain. Many who have received emotional or verbal abuse often don’t even comprehend what it really means to them.

I know emotional abuse and verbal abuse. I have done the same to others. Hurt people hurt people as the saying goes. Avoiding feeling is often a form of protecting others from your perceived image of yourself.

I encourage you to look at yourself differently. Allow yourself to feel. Be sentimental. Be vulnerable. When you open up, others will begin to see the true you, and you will too.

Find Ways To Feel More

One of the best things I ever learned was that I needed to find ways to feel. I think of my grandfather and how hard he seemed to people. He had been through the horrors of the Russian Front in World War II. During the war, he saw horrid things and I’m sure he did some too.

He avoided showing feeling. But, he did several things that helped him heal. My grandfather loved gardening. He enjoyed growing things and having his hands in the soil.

Woodworking was another thing that brought him joy. Creating and working with wood were therapeutic for him. I watched him quickly deteriorate when others no longer allowed him to work in his shop as Alzheimer’s set in.

Likewise, I think this form of therapy came to me through him. I love creating with my hands. Holding wood and sensing the essence of the trees from which it has come brings me back to ground. Wood has touched me!

What Is New For Me?

Well, I have been working with my hands. I am creating. I invite you to take a look at what I have been up to. The work I do with my hands helps me feel more. It provides a way for me to be more connected and happier.

What are you doing to find that connection? Who do you know in your family that has set that example for you?

Make the connections that will help you heal and feel more in your life. Now, go let your life be touched.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections