Wish Or Want? Move Your Life To Success – Connection Creator

Man and Wish

Do You Wish You Had, Or Do You Want Success?

I hope you already see where I am going here. To wish is a thought based activity. To want brings driving emotion that may lead to action.

I have been great in my life about wishing. I can think about things for hours at a time. But, what has that gotten me? Little more than disappointment.

The things that I have accomplished in life came from wanting them. Much like the story of Socrates holding a student, who wanted wisdom, under water to the point of drowning, just as he wanted to breathe, how much I want something has to be part of me.

Pondering Leads To Ideas That Need Action

Last week I wrote about considering. I have done a lot of that lately. I want to see some specific goals met, and I am preparing my mind to see the solutions as they appear by thinking about specific problems in a constructive way.

Despite all the vision I may have, I must also act. During the week, I took steps to make progress in those goals. Some went well. Others did not produce what I hoped for.

The best part of this was that in the moment of failure, new ideas came that are leading me to take new actions. I would call it a mind blowing experience, but I know there is more yet to come. The thoughts expanded more than blowing my mind up.

Who Is An Example Of Wanting?

When you think of your family, who comes to mind as someone who really wanted something?

To me, I have my fourth great-grandfather, William C. Fincher. He left Georgia to find more in life. He settled in Alabama, but still not satisfied, he moved to Arkansas. Not only did he farm and tend his own animals, he had another flock that he wanted to watch over.

William looked over the flock of church members he came to love. He wanted what would bless their lives.

My grandfather, Siegfried Biensfeld, wanted to survive World War II to see his family again. Captured and lined up for execution by the Soviet Army, he was missed and wanting life, acted dead to live.

Again and again, he found ways to live when others did not find enough desire to go on. After the war, he went to the Red Cross Refugee Boards each day in hopes of finding his family, so much so that others knew of his search.

Someone else eventually saw their names and told him. He ran to the board as soon as he was off work to find their information. He would not give up on his goal, despite disappointing months of the unknown.

I Want Your Success

Simply, I do not just wish that you were more successful in life. I want you to be successful. I often think about how I can help you more. Each week I write with the intent that at least one person finds an answer from what I share.

I share ideas on connecting with ancestors because I know how powerful relationships are for success. Finding examples of success and mistakes is so important in creating a mindset of success.

Don’t sell yourself short. Find ways to increase your relationships of success, wisdom, insight, and awareness. You can change your results if you want it enough. It is time to stop wishing and start wanting more. Stir your heart to make the change you want, and let me help you get there faster.

Contact me and let’s set up a plan for you to start seeing more possibilities.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections