Category Archives: Mindset

The Mastermind – Empower Life Vision And Resolve – Connection Creator


Master Your Mind In A Mastermind Sitting in a group of accomplished professionals is refreshing. That is, if you are prepared for the experience. I attended a mastermind type of […]

I Am Humbled, I Am Strong In Life Too – Connection Creator

Humbled Learner

Ever Been Humbled By An Experience? I was humbled last week while I attended RootsTech in Salt Lake City. It was one of those experiences where you come to a […]

Do You Define Inspiration? Leave A Legacy – Connection Creator

Define Inspiration

How Do You Define Inspiration? I think that we too often dismiss the inspiration we receive. I know I have done it. What do you do to define it to […]

In Life Peaceful Words Of Support Strengthen Souls – Connection Creator

Strengthen Lift

What Words Do You Use To Strengthen Others? A neighbor recently passed away and it gave me a moment to pause and ponder on how much he helped strengthen me […]