Category Archives: Parent

Experiment With Success, Entrepreneurs In The Family – Connection Creator

Entrepreneur Experiment

How Well Do You Experiment? One experiment after another. That is much of what I do of late. I have a lot of ideas to help people come closer to […]

In Life Peaceful Words Of Support Strengthen Souls – Connection Creator

Strengthen Lift

What Words Do You Use To Strengthen Others? A neighbor recently passed away and it gave me a moment to pause and ponder on how much he helped strengthen me […]

Pressure Creates More Love Than Can Be Seen – Connection Creator

Personal Pressure

What Pressure Do You Feel? When relationships get strained, the pressure on you can really rise. What are you feeling pressed by as we celebrate holidays? How are you handling […]

Holiday Or Holy Day? See Your Roots Of Belief – Connection Creator

Holiday Luminaries Brighten

It’s The Holiday Season I love many of the holidays that we celebrate in the United States of America. I often think of fond memories of a particular holiday in […]

That One Moment Of Pain, An Experience To Bless – Connection Creator

A Slap To Bless

Does Your Perspective Bless Others? How well do you see the perspective of your perspective? It may be a strange question when you first look at it, but it is […]

Why Look Beyond His Hard Veneer? – Relationship Retool

Beyond laboratory chemistry

What is Beyond? Have you ever had one of those people in your life that just seems to rub everyone wrong? How do you find that one thing beyond what […]