Clear Mind and Meaningful Vision Makes a Colorful Life – Relationship Retool

Noting Ideas for Mind and Vision

Mind and Vision

I had an experience recently where I was so tired that I couldn’t focus my mind, and my vision actually became blurred. Besides being a little disturbing that I couldn’t see clearly, there were some lessons in it as well. I was trying to complete an activity to get me closer to accomplishing a goal and I was feeling disappointed that I couldn’t get the step done. The thought crossed my mind to blame my eye. Should I curse being so tired? I chose to look at it differently.

I was feeling tired because it was late in an already long day. When I got up, I didn’t prepare my intention for the day. I knew some things I wanted to do, but I had not thought the day through.

What Next?

How often do you ask yourself during the day, “What should I do next?” There are days that I think it is OK to not have all my activities planned out, but those are rare. If I go into a day without a real plan, I tend to get lost along the way. That was the case with this particular day. I had a vision for part of the day, but the part I had not planned out in my mind fizzled. I didn’t focus and I missed the opportunity to work on my goal activity. Bummer! That must be the fault of Facebook, or e-mail, or the phone, or any number of other things, right?

Because of my lack of vision, I didn’t focus. There were other factors. The work was something that I was a little anxious about doing. It is easy to get distracted when my mind knows I don’t want to do something, no matter how much I say I want to do it. My subconscious is happy to redirect my thoughts when it runs into an idea it has a program set to avoid. So why would my subconscious avoid something that I have said I wanted to do? I have real discomfort around an aspect of the topic of this project. That discomfort “programming” is more prevalent in my subconscious than the “program” of completing the project.

Setting Up Vision To Win

There are times when I asked why I was working on this project. Avoidance programming is a really tenacious thing. I really do want to complete this project. It means a lot to me. It is something that I am passionate about. Are you wondering what it is? It is an audio training to help people connect more with their ancestors. I find real value in understanding my ancestors so I can understand myself better. I also find that I then connect better with everyone I meet. Knowing their stories gives me perspective, and I really want to share that really cool insight with others.

How am I battling to make this goal happen? I have a sticky note on my wall reminding me that I want it done. I look at it each morning and night. Actually, I look at it a lot. I have lots of pictures and words on my wall that remind me of what I want. It is important to me to accomplish those things. There are a lot of reasons behind each item, but each one has a common factor. It will help someone else in some way. I make sure each one has that factor so I don’t start feeling guilt about it. It is easy for me to start visualizing what I want when I am not concerned that it is selfish.

What is Your Vision?

I didn’t always visualize what I wanted in life. Doing so has transformed my life. Most people dismiss it as anything from strange, to stupid, to weird, or as evil. Wanting something certainly could be evil if wanted for the wrong reasons, but I carefully select what I want in life. What do you want? Are you actively making it something that you focus on with the anticipation that you will get it?

Are you thinking that you don’t know how to visualize like that? There are a lot of techniques to seeing what we want. I have a training on seeing better. Additionally, I do in person trainings for groups to help them learn these techniques, and I help individuals through this process as a mentor. I want to help people get what they want in life. (If it is legal, moral, and ethical.)

If you know these techniques, great! Are you using them? I hope so. Let me help you if not. If you want to learn more, let me know. You can contact me for more information. I see you getting what you want, and you are worth it. If you don’t have a vision for your day, get one. The benefit is life changing.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor and Trainer
Living Tree Connections