Fun? How Do I Fit That Boost In Life? – Relationship Retool

fun funny face woman

Seeking Fun?

How often have you said to yourself that you want more fun in life? It seems hard at times to fit fun into life, but without it, what is life? I have found that putting more fun in my life is a way of energizing the rest of my life.

Choose Your Fun

How you find that balance is up to you, but I urge you to find things that add to it constantly. I choose to go out into nature and enjoy the beauty, sounds, sunshine, and the connection that I can make with God. At times I like a good match of laser tag. Playing a game with the kids often turns into funny voice time for the family. Whatever your fun looks like, find it and put it into your schedule.

Why Schedule?

The phrase, “A woman’s work is never done.” is familiar. The same statement applies to men. If it is never done, is it alright to stop the work and have some time to unwind, to reconnect with family, friends, or nature? If you don’t what is going to be your result?

I was going through life so intent on being the best worker I could be that I lost sight of why I was working. I came home grumpy and disconnected. When I was at home, I didn’t want to associate with my kids. My wife and I were slowly drifting apart, and we didn’t even see it. Because of that drift, I lost hope for myself. Life began to lose meaning. I didn’t want a broken home, so I was starting to look for change. Gratefully, my wife started looking even before I had.

We sought new ideas and one of those was to have more fun. We began looking for ways to have fun, ways to enjoy life more. I won’t say that we are perfect in this process, but we take more time for each other and the things that we love in life. We check our schedule and look for opportunities. We have routines that allow us to have fun each day. I sing, my wife likes to dance. My kids sword fight. (I’m currently off that one as my hand heals from an inadvertent sprain, but I’ll be back.)

See – How to Use Routines to Manage Your Emotions

Take Action

When you have a desire to accomplish something, use that passion to make it happen. Though it seems weird to some to set time to have fun, it is a great way to make it happen. I choose to make my life, not have life make me. I hope you will take the opportunity to do the same.


Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor
Living Tree Connections