Rise From Feeling Down and Out to Connected – Relationship Retool

joy rise lift women

What does it take to rise up from feeling down and out. We all feel that way on occasion. When I am feeling down and out, I have a few options, and some of them are not helpful.

Today, I woke up feeling a bit down. A few things happened this morning that I allowed to push me further down. I was starting into a spiral. I knew that things were going south fast. My relationship with myself was suffering, and that was definitely effecting my other relationships. Ugh! What a day it was going to be. I chose to change that feeling.

Rise Up

Too often we think that when we get down we are bad. It is normal to feel down now and again. Sometimes I get really down. Perhaps I didn’t take care of my body the way I should. When I eat poorly or I don’t get enough sleep, I feel run down. That is often when I start feeling emotionally down. Let me share a few tips on a quick bounce back from such times.

I like to exercise when I am not at my best emotionally. Exercise gets my blood moving, oxygen to my brain, and takes away tension build up. All of that benefits your brain chemistry and has an almost immediate impact.

I am also a proponent of declarations. They are affirmations on steroids. I like to belt them out when life is getting a little heavy. By pushing myself to a positive emotional state, my feelings rise up. Stating things about myself that are positive in a big way moves me and I start to believe just a little more in myself. That helps counter those down days when I have been beating myself up.

You might say more than normal, but I encourage you to not say that you beat yourself up. What we say about ourselves is very important. Speaking well to yourself will keep you feeling better consistently.


One of the best ways I have found to do this every day is to have a routine. As I repeat things each day, I create a consistency that keeps me up. When I choose to do things that make me feel better, help me believe in myself, I have more energy and drive. Rather than only trying to get myself up when I start feeling down, I can maintain a higher level of energy. That actually feeds my abilities to perform at a higher level and it moves me up more and more.

Watch the Webinar on Routines

Simple Steps

Let me review the simple steps.

  1. Exercise. Get that body moving. Maybe you can just dance around.
  2. Declare who you are in a big, positive way. Try singing a good song.
  3. Be consistent with doing these simple things.

I have gained so much by doing these simple things. My life is at a level I never thought I could live at consistently. As a result, I love my life. I hope that you will tell me the same. When it starts working for you, share it with someone else.

Mark Fincher
Chief Mentor
Living Tree Connections