Never Stop Moving

Granulated Sugar leads to not moving

How often do you think that you can’t do any more than you already are doing? I think back in my life and realize that I have had that thought so many times that I have to wonder how I ever moved ahead. I would stop myself because I had started to get uncomfortable. I would rationalize that I was at the end of my abilities or of the energy that I had to do anything else. But the fact was I, more often than not, was cheating myself out of an opportunity to make a breakthrough in where I was at the time.

I recently was challenged to make some changes in several aspects of my life. I had told the person I was working with that I could never get processed sugar out of my life. He asked me why. I gave a lame excuse that it was just too hard. He then just looked at me and said, “I’m going to challenge you to get sugar out of your life.” Do you think I agreed? Well, I have to admit, I was crazy enough to accept. Now why did I do that? Look at the exchange. I told him that I couldn’t give it up. He hadn’t asked me about eating sugary foods. I offered the information as a desire for which I couldn’t see a solution.

I’ve now been off sugar for over a month. I’m not saying that you need to immediately go off of sugar. What I am saying is that my friend recognized that I was wanting change and he used his position of trust as a catalyst for me to do what I already wanted to be a habit in my life. I wanted the change, but I couldn’t see how it could happen. I didn’t have a big enough purpose to get it done. He provided that for me in our discussion. There was more to the conversation, but he knew that I was already convinced that getting off of sugar would help me.

What do you want in your life that you are avoiding yet you really want the results that come from doing it? Who was this friend? He is my personal mentor. I hired him to help me get results I want in life. I trust him because I have seen the results I want in his own life. He’s been where I was and knew how to get out of the stuck place I was at. Now I am moving in ways that I thought I couldn’t possibly go. I thought I couldn’t do more, but now I know that I had been lying to myself. I had sold myself short. Not anymore.

I invite you to assess what you want and feel that you don’t have the ability or power to do. Find a mentor and see what you can change. I know you are worth the effort. Do you?